2013 News - Baldock Town Bowls Club

Baldock Town Bowls Club
Baldock Town Bowls Club
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L. S&D.M.B.A.
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L.
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2013 News

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16th September 2013
The highlight of the week was the triumph by the Baldock Four of Joe Moorley, Dave Davies, Brian Todd & Mike Parsons in the Letchworth & District finals where they beat a team from Roebuck by the narrowest margin of 1 shot.

The midweek team had mixed fortunes losing away at Henlow by 93 shots to 67 and the beating Shephalbury away by 69 shots to 59.

The last friendly match of the season resulted in o home defeat to Welwyn Garden City by 90 shots to 115. Baldock only had one winning rink and that was Gwen Page, Fergus Gildea, Rose Castle and captain Mike Wintrip.

Sunday was club finals day and, despite the weather, good bowling and good entertainment was the order of the day. Ian Greig retained the singles championship and also won the 2 wood singles. Not to be outdone Jayne Saunders won the championship singles for the first time and also won the 2 wood singles. Rose Varney won the ladies handicap singles. Brian Todd overcame his loss in the men’s singles by winning both the men’s pairs with Michael Walker and the Open Pairs with Jan Turner who had previously lost in the championship final. The triples final was won by Colin Smith, Jayne Saunders and Peter Roseblade.

Compation Results                                                 
Open Triples        Doug Nicholls, R Dempster, A Graves. 1-12 C Smith, J Saunders, P Roseblade. Men's Pairs          John Tait, Jimmy McIntyre. 16-27  Michael Walker, Brian Todd.    
Men's Champ       Ian Greig  21-12 Brian Todd
Ladies Champ      Jan Turner  19-21  Jane Saunders      
Ladies H'Cap        Rose Varney 25-21  Val Bingley    
Butler Cup            Rob Dempster 21-8  M Bartlett
Ladies 2 Woods    Ann Graves  Conceeded Jane Saunders
Men's 2 Woods     I Greig  16-11  Joe Moorley
Open Pairs            Doug Nicholls, Dave Davies  4-27 Jan Turner, Brian Todd        
Finals to be arranged  
Men's H'Cap           Brian Todd  27-13 Martin Roberts  
Men's Sets               Dave Turner  Conceeded to Brian Todd

14th September
Baldock four: Joe Morley, Dave Davies, Brian Todd & Mike Parsons, played at the Letchworth & District 2013 finals day at Royston Bowls Club against a Robuck Bowls Club four and won the title 20-19 on the last end in a very tight game.

9th September
With the season drawing to a close the focus this week was on the midweek teams.
On Tuesday they played St Ippolytts at home and drew the match 64 shots each. On Thursday they travelled to Letchworth Garden City and came away with a victory by 86 shots to 59.

On Sunday Baldock entertained Flitwick and won on all 4 rinks for a total score of 96 shots to 62 with the top Baldock rink being Graham Wells, Colin Smith, Mina Reid and captain Mike Wintrip.

This Saturday sees the last friendly match and then on Sunday the whole day is taken up with the finals of the club competitions. All are welcome.

2nd September
Baldock lost the Divisional Final of the County League by a four shots to Whitethorn who will now play in the County Finals.

The midweek team had a mixed week, beating Riverain at home by the comfortable margin of 90 shots to 55 and lost by a similar score, 55 shots to 82, to Three Horseshoes.

Only one weekend match this week which was against Dunstable Kingsbury.
Baldock won on three of the four rinks for a total score of 92 shots to 62. The top rink was Mary Gibbons, Rob Dempster and Steve Budge.

County Presidents Day
Sunday was taken up with a day celebrating Mina Reid’s County Presidency. Over 40 ladies from all across the county enjoyed good weather, a good green and, judging by the laughter during the day, good company. Prizes were awarded for a number of events and, at the end of the day, nobody went home empty handed.  

© 2010-2025 Baldock Town Bowls Club (All rights reserved)
Webmaster ~ Mike Parsons
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