Constitution - Baldock Town Bowls Club

Baldock Town Bowls Club
Baldock Town Bowls Club
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L. S&D.M.B.A.
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock, Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
West Avenue, off Norton Road, Baldock Hertfordshire SG7 5AY
Affiliated to Bowls England, Hertfordshire Bowls, L&D.B.A., N.H.W B.A., E.B.D.B.L.
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Club Information
Section 1: Name and Objectives
1.1    The name of the Club is “Baldock Town Bowls Club” (The Club). The Club shall be affiliated to Bowls England (BE), Hertfordshire Bowls Association (HBA) and such other National and Local Associations that the General Committee feel would be beneficial to the well-being of the Club.

   The Club shall be affiliated to Bowls England (BE), Hertfordshire Bowls Association (HBA) and such other National and Local Associations that the General Committee feel would be beneficial to the well-being of the Club
1.3    The objectives of the Club are to provide facilities for, and to promote participation in, the amateur sport of outdoor flat green bowls in the county of Hertfordshire and local area,  providing opportunities for recreation and competition and community participation.
1.4    The address of the Club premises and green is “Avenue Park, West Avenue, Baldock, Herts, SG7 5AY.
Section 2: Membership
2.1    The club may have different classes of membership and subscription on a non-discriminatory and fair basis. Membership of the Club shall be open to any person wishing to play or participate in the support of flat green bowls irrespective of race, sex, creed, or colour providing that such a person is properly proposed and seconded in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

2.2    There shall be the following categories of membership with power to vote at all relevant meetings of the Club  as indicated hereunder.

a)   FULL MEMBER – being a person who, at the date of election, shall have attained the age of eighteen years (or 21 if still in any form of education) and shall have one vote.

b)   JUNIOR MEMBER – being a person who, at the date of election, is under the age of eighteen, shall have no vote and/or between the age of 18 and 21 and in part/full time education and shall have one vote.

c)  SOCIAL MEMBER – who shall have no vote.
2.3    Every candidate for membership shall be proposed and seconded by existing Full Members to both of whom the candidate is personally known. Applications for membership will be accepted or rejected by the General Committee and the result communicated to the candidate in writing.
2.4    The General Committee may refuse membership and has the power to expel any member whose conduct is considered detrimental to the interests of the Club, both on and off the green. Any member thus affected shall have the right to appeal the expulsion to the General Committee.
2.5     Any Member of the Club wishing to resign their  membership must give notice of their intention to do so in writing to the Club & Membership Secretary
2.6    Honorary Life Members may be elected by an AGM, normally as recognition for services to the Club, and shall be regarded as Full Members. Honorary Life Members are not required to pay the annual subscription but are still liable for match fees, competition fees, etc.      
Section 3: Officers and Committee
3.1   The Senior Officers of the Club shall be as follows:
• President, an Honorary position
• Chairperson
• Treasurer
• Club Administrator
3.2    The officers of the club shall be:
• Men’s Secretary
• Ladies Secretary
• Fixture Secretary
3.3   The Committee members shall be:
• Weekend Captain
• Midweek Captain
• Green Liaison Officer
• Two general members, (preferably one of each gender)
3.4    The above Officers and Committee members shall form the General Committee.

Section 4: Election of Officers and Committee Members
4.1    All Officers and Committee Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club from, and by, Full Members of the Club.
4.2    Officers and General Committee Members (GCM) shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office for the period of election, retiring at the end of the that period. All Officers and GCM of the Club shall be eligible for re-election to the same office or another office at the end of their current period of election, except for the President (see 4.4 below).
4.3    Men’s & Ladies Team Managers, Vice Captains, Competition Secretary, Green Ranger and Social & Fundraising Officer may be elected at the AGM, but they are not members of the General Committee.
4.4    No member shall hold the office of President for more than three consecutive years.  Upon the expiration of tenure of the President the club should invite nominations for the position of President per clause 4.2 above.
Section 5: Club Affairs
5.1    The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by the General  Committee. The General Committee shall meet monthly throughout the season and when deemed necessary at all other times. All such meetings shall be minuted. The General Committee will publish regular communications to ensure all members are kept up to date with decisions actions taken by the General Committee.
5.2    The duties of the General Committee are:
5.2.1   To control the affairs of the Club on behalf of the Members.

5.2.2    To keep accurate accounts of the finances of the Club through the Treasurer. These accounts will be presented at each meeting of the General Committee and will be available for reasonable inspection by members. The accounts will be verified by an independent person prior to presentation to the Annual General Meeting. The Club will maintain a bank account with two from Treasurer, Chairperson and either Secretary as authorised signatories or with online banking access.
5.2.3    To co-opt additional Members to the General Committee as necessary to fulfil certain tasks where that Member(s) has the required skills.
5.2.4    To make decisions based on a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chairperson shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.
5.2.5   To promote the objectives of the Club.
5.3    Attendees at the General Committee shall be all the Officials listed in clause 3  above. The agenda shall follow a pre-defined agenda and additionally shall include:
5.3.1   Organise friendly and competitive matches against other clubs
5.3.2    Organise internal competitions for members.
5.3.3    Offer the green and facilities to other Associations and Counties.
5.3.4    Establish a sub-committee that consists of Volunteers to assist on the  upkeep and maintenance of the green and surrounds and other activities in the club.
5.3.5    Source and promote social engagements for the members of the club that contribute to utilisation of the facilities at Avenue Park Sports Club and strive to build camaraderie within all members off the bowling green and in a social environment.
5.4       Vacancies which occur on the General Committee shall be offered to the highest unsuccessful candidate in order of votes cast at the AGM. Thereafter it will be by invitation from the Senior  Officers of the club. Such appointments will continue until the next AGM.
Section 6: Annual General Meeting
6.1    The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Club shall be held in January of each year (Unless Government regulations prevent in which case the AGM will be held at the earliest possible opportunity). 21 days written notice shall be given to each Member at their home or e-mail address. Members must advise the Secretary in writing of any business to be moved at the AGM at least 14 days before the Meeting.
6.2   The business of the AGM shall be to:
6.2.1   Confirm the minutes of the previous AGM and any Extraordinary Meetings held since the last AGM.
6.2.2    Receive the verified accounts from the Treasurer
6.2.3    Receive the annual reports from the Secretaries.
6.2.4    Adopt the fixture list for the forthcoming season
6.2.5    Receive such other reports as are deemed important to Members.
6.2.6    Elect the Officers and Committee Members for the forthcoming season
6.2.7    Transact such other business received in writing by the Secretary as per clause 6.1 above.
6.2.8    Elect Vice Captains as required. Vice Captains will not be Committee members
6.2.9    Elect delegates to the Associations to which the Club is affiliated.
6.2.10  Elect two delegates to represent the Club at meetings of the Avenue Park Sports Club, one of which should be the Social & Fundraising Officer.
6.3   Nominations of candidates for election of Officers and Committee shall be made in writing to the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM. Nominations can only be made and seconded by Full Members. A Member who has been nominated but not elected for a particular position may be proposed during the meeting for any other position not filled.
6.4    Where no written nominations have been received the Chairperson has the discretion to accept nominations during the meeting. Vacancies which occur on the General Committee shall be offered to the highest unsuccessful candidate in order of votes cast at the AGM. Thereafter it will be by invitation from the Senior  Officers of the club. Such appointments will continue until the next AGM.
6.5   Decisions at Annual General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of votes from those Full Members attending the meeting. In the event of equal vote the Chairperson shall have the casting vote.

Section 7: Other General Meetings
7.1   A Spring General Meeting shall be held in March or April  prior to the start of the playing season
(unless Government Guidance prevents). The agenda for this Meeting shall include:
7.1.1    Chairperson’s Report on activities since the AGM
7.1.2    Treasurer’s Report on subscriptions and other financial matters for the forthcoming season.
7.1.3    Greenrangers report on activities on and around the green.
7.1.4    Report on recruitment, retention and related matters
7.1.5   Any other reports deemed important to Members
7.1.6    Entries to the Club competitions
7.1.7    Any other relevant business
7.2    An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called on the written request of ten (10) Full Members or called by the General Committee stating the business to be discussed. Notice of such a meeting shall be given to Members as for an AGM.
Section 8: Quorum
8.1    At all Annual, Spring and Extraordinary Meetings twenty (20) Full Members shall form a quorum.
8.2   At all General Committee Meetings  six (6) shall form the quorum.
Section 9: Subscriptions
9.1    Subscriptions shall be due at the Spring Meeting. Any Member who has not paid the subscription by the start of the playing season will be considered to be in default and not allowed to play until the subscription has been paid, unless they are paying via the club payment plan.
9.2   The club payment plan will be a formal direct debit/standing order scheme, whereby members will need to pay 40% of the annual Subscription at the Spring General Meeting and the remaining 60% during the following three months of the season. All subscriptions should be paid in full by the end of each July.

Section 10: Disciplinary Procedure
10.1  The Club will adopt in its entirety the Bowls England Regulation No 9 as the procedure for any disciplinary or misconduct matters at or affecting the Club.
10.2  The Senior Officers will sit as the Panel/Hearing Officers for any Disciplinary matter.
Section 11: Safeguarding
11.1   The Club will appoint a Club Welfare Officer (CWO) whose role is to safeguard children and vulnerable adults. A child is defined as any young person under the age of 18. A vulnerable adult is defined as a person over the age of 18 who may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness or who is unable to take care of him or her self. In carrying out this role the CWOs will abide by the principles laid down and enforced by Bowls England and the Bowls Development Alliance.

Section 12: Alterations to the Constitution
12.1    Any proposed alterations to the Club Constitution and/or the club rules may only be considered at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting convened with the required written notice of the proposal. Any alteration or amendment must be proposed and seconded by Full Members. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than two-thirds of those Full Members present at the Meeting, assuming a quorum has been achieved.
Section 13: Dissolution
13.1    If, at any Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed calling for the dissolution of the Club, a further Extraordinary General Meeting shall be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.
13.2     If, at that subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the Full Members present the General Committee shall thereupon, or at such date specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the Club
13.3     After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Club. After discharging all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Full Members but shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objects similar to those of the Club.

Section 14: Indemnity
14.1     Each Member of the Club shall (to the extent that such person is not entitled to recover under any policy of insurance) be entitled to be indemnified out of any and all funds available to the Club, which may lawfully be so applied, against all costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever incurred by such person in the proper execution and discharge of duties undertaken on behalf of the Club or arising therefrom, or incurred in good faith in the purported discharge of such duties.  
To down load a copy of the Clubs Constitution please Press Here
© 2010-2025 Baldock Town Bowls Club (All rights reserved)
Webmaster ~ Mike Parsons
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